Sunday, 21 August 2011

Fast Weight Loss - Do This Once A Day And Lose All The Weight You Want (As Fast As You Want)!

My struggle with losing weight and body fat came to an end when I finally made the decision to start doing things 100% naturally. When you do things naturally, EVERYTHING is improved... it's not just fast weight loss. Of all the things I learned during my journey, there was one extremely important tip that pretty much ensured my success! This tip had to be followed everyday... once a day. And if it was, it seemed as if I could lose as much weight as I wanted! If you want to learn what this tip is, and also what type of dieting I did to get amazing results fast, then read on to learn more.

First, The Type Of Dieting I Did That Had Me NATURALLY Lose 5-6 Pounds A Week...

You see, I first started off with using a lot of those programs you see advertised pretty often online and in the magazines. You know, the "low-calorie", "low-carb", "low-fat", "get meals delivered", etc. types of diet programs. I "thought" those programs worked effectively since a lot of celebrities "claimed" to use them. Big mistake!

I tried those diets out and ended up losing money, losing energy, and more. Now what's wrong with what I just said? That's right, I wasn't losing any weight (lol)! In fact, if I did happen to lose any weight, I ended up regaining that weight right back!

The diet I wound up using after failing with other programs was an all natural diet where you EAT FOODS TO LOSE WEIGHT. No starving, no restrictions, no depriving. My metabolism soared, pounds of body fat melted away, and it was VERY easy to do! Why did this type of dieting worked in comparison to other diets? Well, contrary to popular belief, the body WANTS food! It just wants it in a way that will boost your metabolism... and not cause it to slow down.

Second, I Did This ONCE A Day And I Was Able To Stick To My Diet And Lose Weight Like Crazy...

What I did was I jump-started my body first thing in the morning as soon as I awoke. When you do this, 3 things end up happening, and these 3 things is what will cause you to get in amazing shape as fast as possible. Those 3 things are a boost to your metabolism, a boost in energy, and a boost to your mood. In other words, you will skyrocket your bodies fat burning engine, you'll have plenty of energy throughout the day to do your exercises and take on your day, and you'll decrease your stress levels and feel more positive!

How do you do this?

Well, the things you can do to help jump-start your body first thing in the morning are:

1. Drink an 8 ounce glass of ice-cold water. This will cause thermogenesis (which is a spike in your metabolism caused by your body being "shocked" by cold water after being warm for several hours during sleep).

2. Do a 10 minute body-weight circuit training routine. This is the most important part. This quick high intensity workout will do all 3 things I mentioned above. A body-weight circuit routine is a combination of a few body-weight exercises done in a circuit. For example, let's say you chose to do push-ups, jumping-jacks, lunges, and mountain climbers. You would do all 4 workouts in a circuit non-stop. Then rest for 30 seconds... and repeat for 3-5 sets.

3. After the workout, take a few minutes and do some deep breathing exercises. Inhale through your nose slowly for 5 seconds and exhale out your mouth slowly for 5 seconds... and repeat. Deep breathing can help boost your metabolism and decrease stress. Now, while we are on this topic of "morning time" and "stress", I just wanted to give you a quick tip. If you drink coffee, please do so in moderation. I'm pretty sure you already know this, but drinking coffee in excess is one of the most guaranteed ways to INCREASE your stress levels. Don't ask me how I know! LOL!

If you do all three things above, you'll jump-start your metabolism (which will make burning off fat throughout the day more efficient), you'll increase your energy levels, and you'll feel MUCH more better! If you also choose the right type of diet (such as the program I went on), and if you stick with it consistently, then you can rest assure you will certainly experience fast weight loss (such as losing up to 5-6 pounds a week... naturally and permanently).

Tuesday, 16 August 2011

Weight Loss During the Holidays: It's Not Impossible!

Christmas and the New Year will be here sooner than you imagine-is your weight loss plan ready for that? Most people write the entire month of December off as one giant step back in their weight loss goals. It's not necessary to sideline your weight loss plan just because the holidays are here; you can still achieve progress while enjoying the holiday foods you love.

Portion Control

One of the most important weight loss tools during the holidays is portion control. We all want to pile our plates as high as we can with mom's excellent food and grandma's cookies, but you need to take a step back from the feast and think. Do you really need two scoops of green bean casserole? Stick to small portions of the foods you love, wait a few minutes after you've finished eating, and then decide if you're still hungry. If you're not hungry, don't eat more! Should you find portion control particularly difficult, you may want to investigate an all-natural appetite suppressant. These supplements can help to curb appetite and ease portion control, especially around the holidays.

Do Indulge-Within Reason!

Most diet strategies don't allow for the things we crave. That's problematic. Studies have shown that we end up consuming more when we eat a desired food after denying ourselves than we would if we had just satisfied the craving to begin with. So, if those brownies on your counter are tempting you, have one. Consider even cutting it in half and seeing if that half satisfies your craving. But please, for your diet's sake, don't go overboard with your little indulgences. Don't deny your cravings, but do limit yourself.

Consider Alternatives

Tradition may dictate that we need mashed potatoes, green bean casseroles with fried onions, and buttery apple pie. However, there are ways to get around the fatty foods with healthier alternatives. Instead of mashed potatoes, consider serving mashed cauliflower. They have similar texture and flavor, but the cauliflower has fewer carbs and is loaded with vitamins. Instead of fried onions, try baking onion ribbons with breadcrumbs to avoid the oil that comes with deep frying. Offer baked apples instead of apple pie; they're still an indulgence and have that delicious apple-cinnamon flavor, but they don't have any of the fat or carbs of the crust.

Skip the Booze

Though it may be difficult to be around Aunt Myrtle without imbibing, try to limit or avoid alcohol all together during the holidays. Alcohol has a very high caloric content, and you don't want to stifle your weight loss with unnecessary calories. Turkey dinner and a cookie may not put you too far back, but add in a few glasses of champagne or beer, and you're looking at another year's resolution to lose that 10 or 20 pounds.

With a combination of willpower and consideration for what you eat, you can survive the holidays without taking a step back in your weight loss. Keep your eye on your weight loss goals, and have a happy holiday season!

Tuesday, 9 August 2011

Healthy Eating For Weight Loss Helps Prevent Disease

Many people are drawn to healthy eating for weight loss reasons. This shows that you are thinking beyond the main problem, beyond the weight problem. However, maybe you don't fully appreciate your well guided motives, perhaps your instinctive feelings, that draw you to this area as opposed to any other weight loss plans.

Type 2 diabetes is a common and serious problem for people who are over weight and have been for some time. The condition worsens with age, or how long you have had the problem. So those who are over weight are likely to succumb to diabetes sooner or later.

The medical solution is to treat the effect of the disease, by giving insulin to take daily. Although this undoubtedly helps the condition, what price does it come at - what are you setting yourself up for in the future?

Taking insulin may suit some people, but there is an alternative. And that is to treat the cause of the diabetes, rather than the effect.

Not everyone wants to make changes in their lives. People are notoriously conservative by nature. It seems everyone is happily settled in a rut, for better or for worse.

When you suffer a deterioration in your energy or your health, or when you are diagnosed with a serious, even life threatening disease, then this can shake some people out of their rut (although, sadly, not everyone).

If your condition, such as type 2 diabetes, is a result of your long term weight problem, it seems to be a sensible option to address the cause - the weight. This may be difficult for you. But you also need to think of the future. Not taking action now can lead to further, and more serious, illnesses. Not taking action now can severely interfere with your enjoyment of life, of your family. And being over weight does not set a good example to your children.

Diabetes is really just the start of the slippery slope to more and more serious diseases. Researchers in Finland have found that people with type 2 diabetes have an enormously increased chance of getting Parkinson's disease - in fact 83% increased chance. And you can guarantee that this trend is not limited to Parkinson's disease. Gangrene is another complication with diabetics.

The fact that you are draw to healthy eating for weight loss reasons means you have every chance of preventing serious diseases that are attributable to carrying too much weight. The likelihood of curing any weight related illnesses is also extremely high. Now take action!

Tuesday, 2 August 2011

Counter-Intuitive Holiday Eating

Tis' the season that brings many of our favorite childhood foods and treats. Ironically, this is also the season that gives us just as many tactics, tricks, and diets to keep us from eating them. And so begins the holiday dance of indulging and refraining, pleasure and willpower, "good days" and "bad days." Bah humbug. If this isn't enough to turn someone into a Scrooge, I don't know what is...

In general, we get so fixated on what we are eating between Thanksgiving and New Years, when we should be more focused on what we eat between New Years and Thanksgiving. Yet common sense doesn't seem to matter. We still "throw in the towel" or obsess about food this time of year.

The Good News:

The solution need not be so complicated. You don't need to count calories. You don't need to use fake, imitation ingredients. Nor is there a need to run 2 extra miles each day.

Here are 3 tactics that we use with the best of intentions that seem to backfire time and time again...and their simple, yet counter-intuitive, remedies.

Dieting During the Holidays

This is a strange form of self-torture.

Remedy: Don't diet. If there is a diet, there is a revolt lurking just around the corner. Remember, you can't break a diet that doesn't exist. "Cookies?? Sure, I'll have one." Then you move on with your life. (This actually happens, folks).

Last Supper Syndrome

"I am going to eat all of these cookies since I will never devour sugar like this again." Bullsh*t. I'm calling your bluff. I keep an ear out for these types of statements. They point to black-and-white thinking.
Remedy: Own the fact that you will most certainly want something sweet to eat at some point in the future. (Maybe even now) Incorporate these now. So you love peppermint bark? Then eat a little after lunch and a little after dinner. Everyday. Nothing horrible will happen to you. Doesn't this make more sense than counting how many days you can refrain from eating it and then eating all of it in a self-defeated flurry?

Making New Years Resolutions in October

So you already decided that you are going to diet in January? I smell a Christmas cookie binge baking in the oven! All this does is affirm the lack of trust you have in yourself around holiday foods as well as a "Get Out of Jail Free" card that gives you permission to eat entirely carelessly and mindlessly.